Message from President Philip Valenti

LIBERTATEM OMINO COSTS and VSQVE AD FINEM. Liberty At All Costs and Fight To The End. This is the Credo to which I live, as without FREEDOM you have nothing! Unfortunately many unions leaders and politicians have succumbed to the lure of getting free stuff that they’ve sold their soul to get what they want and have lost their minds and have become sellouts that no longer love and appreciate America and all that it stands for. Many of these leaders are Communist, Socialist and Marxist. I on the other hand am the complete opposite of that and those who fall into that category. I commit to you that I will fight for the rights and FREEDOMS of all TSO members while staying true to my core beliefs .
We the Supervisors, are the backbone of the NYC MTA. We are on the property 24/7/365 running everything. When the managers are home sleeping whether it be on the weekend or midnight New Years Eve we are there on the property taking care of business. We are the ones in the middle of it all, taking direction from management ensuring that the policy’s and schedules are followed by the hourlies therefore keeping the NYC Transit system moving safely and on time. In the last couple of years alone, we worked through disasters like Superstorm Sandy and the COVID Pandemic and we did this without ever shutting the system down. I’m proud to have worked for the NYC Transit for over 30 years and am most proudest that you’ve elected me President.
We will take these next four years and we will do as much as we can to further gain financial freedoms and protections for our members. We will work tirelessly to get the Death Gamble Bill passed in Albany, to achieve pay parity for MTA Bus and to get our members paid to train others. We will do this and much more as we will not accept failure as an option.