MTA Bus Contract Update
Contract negotiations are very tricky, so I need to be careful on what I say but what I can tell you is this, we met with Labor Relations and Management again today to hear their latest contract proposal.
And we agreed to that proposal… Provided that it would get us across the finish line to pay parity.
The problem is that the Authority needed till the end of the month to see if they can make it all work. And we have no choice but to give them that time.
But I will tell you like I’ve been telling them, “If all that we have put on the table does not achieve pay parity, I will pull all of the proposals off the table and we will settle the contract at pattern. I refuse to come this far, only to come up short and leave no path to parity in the future.
For now, I ask that you keep the peace and sit tight just a bit longer.
P. Valenti