Local 106 Supporting Local 100 at Brooklyn Stop the Assault on Transit Workers Rally

Local 106 Reps, Chris Sohl and Jose DeJesus were front and center at the Local 100 Stop the Assault on Transit Workers Rally in Brooklyn. President Valenti was not able to attend due to a schedule conflict but Jose DeJesus spoke to the crowd on behalf of the Local and assured them that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our TWU Brothers and Sisters in Local 100 on this issue of assaults on us as Transit Workers.

In a message from President Valenti on this issue, he said, the blame for all of these assaults must go toward all of those politicians that allowed our country to be invaded by undocumented and unwanted illegal aliens and those local politicians that changed the bail laws and allowed our city to become a playground for ruthless thugs and mental patients roaming our streets praying on innocent citizens, our supervisors and all front line transit workers that are out working in the public.

If you want to change the path of violent assaults our Brothers and Sisters in this Transit business have been dealing with, then you need to look at those that have been in office and championed these terrible changes and get them the Hell Out!

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