A Message From the MTA Bus Transportation Team

It’s Official!
The Membership has Ratified the Contract!
We would like to thank all of you for your patience during this difficult and long negotiation process.
This negotiation has been grueling, with many sleepless days, nights and weekends. There were many highs and lows, but we stayed united, and ultimately we prevailed with an historic contract that will give the members of the MTA Bus Division Pay Parity!
A special thanks to TSO Local 106 President Phil Valenti for leading the way and keeping everyone informed in every step throughout this process. Without his leadership this historic agreement would not have been achieved.
Switching gears a bit… In the upcoming days we will be sending out information regarding proposed changes we would like to make within the Transportation Unit. We will be scheduling a Division meeting to discuss those changes to which we will ultimately put to a vote.
Once again, we thank you for your Trust and Patience.