Congestion Pricing Returns to Save the MTA and Destroy New York
On January 5, 2025 the Congestion pricing toll will start taking money from anyone driving from 60th street down to the end of lower Manhattan. The plan is to force New Yorkers into the Mass Transit system and make those who don’t comply to pay a fine for not doing Read more…
OSHA Whistleblower Protection
If You See Something, Say Something! This applies to Unsafe Working Conditions as Much as it Applies to Suspicious Packages. If you are aware of unsafe operations that need to stop, such as employees working with out proper training, PPE or just not following the safety protocols of the MTA- Read more…
Cigna Dental and Other Services
Cigna Dental (New) DHMO Access Plus network and virtual care now available to TSO members. Also, Autism, Eating Disorder, Substance Abuse and Families Dealing with Children Behavioral Disorders seminars. 860302-d-autism-flyer-v3.pdf 860308-c-eating-disorders-flyer-v3.pdf 860305-c-substance-use-flyer-v4.pdf 854473-c-children-families-flyer-v1.pdf
We Thank all of Those That Have Served in Our Great US Armed Forces
We acknowledge everyday not just Veteran Day the pride we have in our TSO Brothers and Sisters that have served, with a slideshow of some of our members on our home page. Veterans Day restaurant deals 2024: More than 80 discounts, including free meals https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/11/10/veterans-day-deals-2024/76072069007
Road Control Slap in the Face!
We were notified yesterday that the Transit Authority plans on eliminating 10 Road Dispatcher posts between the five Boroughs for the 2025 pick. Not only is this is a disgrace and an absolute slap in the face to all Supervisors it’s dangerous to the bus operators we supervise and the Read more…
America Wins!
America has spoken, the election is over and Donald J Trump is the 47th President of the United States! We wish President elect Trump the best of luck and health as his success is our success.
Maintenance-Don’t Take Chances with Safety!
This is a reminder; Never compromise safety for the sake of making service. If you have a questionable defect, DO NOT authorize that bus for service! DO NOT risk the safety of others and put your job in jeopardy. If you are being pressured by managers at your Depot to Read more…
How the Electoral College Actually Works
Educate yourself and learn how the Presidential election works.
Open Enrollment 2025
Open enrollment starts on November 1st for those with NYSHIP medical. For those members with Aetna medical benefits open enrollment started on October 15th and runs through November 15th. This is NOT another opportunity to switch between NYSHIP and Aetna.