Financial Disclosure Filing (JCOPE) for OA Line Supervisors

*** UP DATE ***

Last week we received two (2) denial letters from JCOPE regarding our exemption filings for OA Line Supervisors and OA Revenue Supervisors.  If you haven’t filed a financial disclosure statement for 2106 yet we urge you to do so as soon as possible.  We are reviewing the denials and have asked our lawyer to contract JCOPE for clarification and guidance on appealing their determination.   If you have any questions, call the Ethics Helpline at 888-827-5682 (888-U ASK MTA).

If you have received a letter from NEW YORK STATE JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICS directing you to file a financial disclosure application, you should file an individual exemption application.  The Union has recently filed with the the NYS Joint Commission of Public Ethics a Union exemption application.  We recommend that you include the Union exemption application documents in your individual filing.  We are currently awaiting their response to our application and believe based on the job duties of these titles we should be exempt from filing.

You should send a copy of the application to:

Paige Graves
General Counsel
2 Broadway, Room D30.13
New York, NY 10004
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