
Kamala Harris is running to be President of the United Sates and by default would be the leader of the free world. Kamal Harris has been one of the most radical far left Senators in American history and the most radical far left incompetent Vice President’s in America’s history. Her views on everything from the border all the way through to the 2nd Amendment are absolutely insane and dangerous. And if you have a son of military age, then you better think twice before voting, because if Harris is elected, that child will be fighting in World War III, because that’s where we are heading.
My philosophy on Washington politicians is that it doesn’t matter what you do for a union because if the other things that you do or stand for makes America dangerous, weak and drives the cost of living so high, it counter acts any good you may have done, then we should not support them.
For all these reasons and more, as the President of TWU Local 106 and proud American patriot I take this position.
Philip Valenti