Updated: Monday July 1st All Road Control Tablets to Be Returned! No PIP Agreement=No Dispatcher Takes a Tablet Home!

Dispatchers, yesterday you should have returned your tablet/iPad. If you have not done so already, you need to return your tablet/iPad and all wires etc. to a Road manager. Call the Supt. on duty and ask them to pickup your assigned device and all accessories. Non compliance to this request harms you directly and the cause we worked so hard to achieve. Call your Chairman if you have any issues or questions.

The Productivity Incentive Program (PIP) agreement that has been in place from 2017 through 2023 has not been renewed in 2024. I have been patiently trying to get an agreement so we can continue the status quo but after several discussions and meetings, the Authority has yet to offer a proposal which would allow us to continue taking the MTA/NYC Transit Property (the Tablet/iPad) home. As you should know we don’t work for free and the trade off was that we take the tablets home and we have a PIP each quarter.

If there is no PIP and no incentive we are not taking the tablets home. I’ve said this over and over to them and they understand. I am directing all Dispatchers working foot posts and patrol cars to return their tablet and all related equipment wires etc. at the end of their tour on Monday July 1st and from that day forward, Dispatchers will revert back to the old system of picking up and returning their tablets from subway lockboxes and road control offices.

In Unity!

Philip Valenti


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