MTA Bus Contract Update August 2023
Yesterday I had a one on one meeting with Labor Relations to discuss a few minor details of our contract. All of the major problems have been resolved including outstanding pension issues and the length of the contract. So what’s left? Before anything else is done, TA President Richard Davey and Labor Relations Chief Anita Miller have to sign off on it. Therefore another presentation must be made to them with all of the data and agreements attached and explained. After that I will be sent a draft of the actual contract and we will then work through any language disagreements until we have a final draft to be signed.
I am very optimistic and confident about the outcome of this contract, but at the same time completely discouraged and annoyed about the pace of the production of which I don’t control. What I do control happens very quickly and I know how hard it is right now for all of you with the cost of living going up daily and no pay increase in over two years.
I had setout in July to have this contract ratified by the membership and ready for approval by the September MTA Board, but right now it’s looking more like October. I’m not giving up on September just yet, however with the ridiculously minimal staff at 2 Broadway and all the summer vacations, my September goal is beginning to fade making this goal tough to achieve.
Things can always change, but this is where we are and where we’re going.
P. Valenti