MTA Dispatcher – Clyde Coburn, 62,

After a long hard fought Battle against this terrible Virus we lost a dear friend and Coworker
Clyde Coburn. I’ve known Clyde and worked beside him for 38 years. We started at Steinway Transit which later became Queens Surface, now MTA Bus. Clyde was a Good Man and a Good Supervisor who came to work everyday and took his job seriously. He knew how to get the best out of every employee he supervised. As we got older and saw each other every morning at work Clyde would always say “Good Morning Old Man”. Even though I would remind him he was older than me. To say goodbye to a coworker /friend who retires is a genuine celebration. To say goodbye to a coworker/friend who doesn’t get the fruits of his Labor is heartbreaking. I hope everyone who reads this takes a moment out of their day and say a Prayer for Clyde and his family.
I will miss you Old Man.
RIP Brother Coburn. Robert Elznic