September 11, 2001

We all know what happened on September 11, 2001 and we all remember where we were when our beloved World Trade Center buildings were attacked by terrorist. This terrorist attack on New York and America was felt strongest by us New Yorkers who had family and friends working in those buildings or knew or were related to the first responders.
America has not been the same since that day and it never will be. I hope on September 11, 2023 you take a quite moment to remember all of those that we lost on this terrible day in American history.
I prefer to remember the World Trade Center before the terrorist attack as it’s to hard to see images of that day as it brings back a terrible period of time in my life.
It’s also important to remember all of the Transit workers that sprung into action that day and went on overdrive for many months to support the rescue efforts and clean up. We did all that we could to help and unfortunately some became sick and are now dealing with those illnesses connected to 911. We acknowledge you, thank you and pray for you.
In Unity
Phil Valenti