TSO Executive Council Approves $10,000, to be given to 10 TSO members, or their children if they join the United States Military.

At the June 7th Executive Council Meeting it was put on the Agenda and unanimously approved that the New York Life commitment of $10,000 to the TSO for Scholarships will be added to the $10,000 we already receive from other donors and us and half of that will go to those members or their children that join the United States Military and complete basic training. Ten recipients will now receive $1,000.
This may be the first time any Union or Organization has done this and we’re proud of that. There is no greater honor to the country than to join the US Military and we want to do what we can to ease any burden one might have after making this commitment.
In a time in America when some college campuses are being turned into radical hate America factories we will do our part to counter that garbage and also support those fine young men and women that enlist in addition to supporting those that go to college.
This will be done at the same time each year when we hold the college scholarships drawings. We will put the details out in November.