Update-Open Enrollment for Year 2024
What we know right now for MaBSTOA, MSII and Queens members only,
Aetna– If you are currently enrolled in Aetna and want to make changes like switching to NYSHIP or changing your dental, open enrollment is from October 15-November 15. If you go beyond November 15th, don’t worry you WILL NOT be denied.
MTA Bus- We are being told by Labor Relations that they want the MTA Bus contract ratified by the MTA Board first before MTA Bus can be included in this massive Open Enrollment. They believe there is time after the October 25th MTA Board meeting to get it done.
There are 3 pieces of information that we will have available for you soon, 1. a side by side comparison of Aetna and NYSHIP, 2. FAQ’s and 3. a Power Point Presentation. That information is not ready to be sent out yet because there are minor tweaks that need to be corrected first. Once those corrections are made we will post it here your Chairman will email it to you.
The Aetna and NYSHIP open enrollment periods have always been separated by the plan not the employees titles and that has not changed but a tremendous amount of latitude will be given during this open enrollment.
Lastly, if you have already decide that you are NOT making any changes then you don’t need to do anything. Everything will stay the same in 2024 and beyond. If you want to make changes then the periods above apply.