Contract Negotiations Update for all Units

As of today all six TSO contracts have expired. We are close to settling the TSC contract and we should be able to get the SSII contract done quickly. We had one meeting so far on the MSII contract and we will have a MaBSTOA, MTA Bus and Queens meeting soon.
A few things you should be aware of, is that since we follow the Local 100 pattern and the pattern they set in their last round of their negotiations was 3%, 3%, 3.5% and a one time $3,000 bonus in the 1st year and a $1,000 in the 2nd year. The .25% in the last year and the $1,000 bonus, along with all the other departmental additions (plus a major undisclosed agreement not seen in the CBA) were all paid for by eliminating the option for Medicare for all current and future retirees.
We will never agree to eliminating Medicare so we need to work out how to get that last year’s .25% and the $1,000 bonus plus any other enhancements. The alternative funding options that we have are extremely limited but there are options and we will exhaust all of those options to get good contracts for all of our members.
Lastly, as you probably know, the hourly ATU Local Unions 726 and 1056 have not settled their contracts yet and we have not settled the MSII, MTA Bus, OA and Queens contracts before the ATU’s and there is a reason for that…
We will keep you posted here on our website or through your Division Chairman’s emails as we go through these tough negotiations.
Philip Valenti, President