6th Annual General Membership & Retiree
Holiday Party All members and retirees in good standing can stop by anytime between 11A & 7P and join us at the Holiday Party.
Holiday Party All members and retirees in good standing can stop by anytime between 11A & 7P and join us at the Holiday Party.
Edge City Church 46-16 Little Neck Parkway, Little Neck, NY 11362
American Turners Club 748 Clarence Avenue Bronx, NY 10465-Parking Lot on Philip Ave
Constitution and By-Laws Meeting Followed by General Membership Meeting
Please make every effort to attend these important meetings.
We welcome all of our current Members in good standing and our Retirees to join us for our annual holiday Christmas party. 2024 Retiree Recognition and Jacket Raffle will take place at 1PM and 5PM The Scholarship and Military Enlistment Awards will be on December 30th at 12:30. Application and Read more…