Medical/Dental Open Enrollment 2024 Information
After weeks of wrestling over a couple of minor issues we finally have the information that should help you make an educated decision on which Medical provider you want for you and your family. This information is in addition to the NYSHIP/Aetna Comparison that we paid for and mailed to you over the summer. The details of the live seminars have not been finalized yet, but we should have that information for you soon.
Be advised, one of the issues we had was the Authority using the term Hourly plan in their literature which was finally removed and replaced with just Aetna. We tell you this because they had already made the Open Enrollment Audio recordings and they used the term Hourly. It was too late for that to be changed so it was left as is. You may notice that difference so this is why.
Lastly, remember if you currently have Aetna as your insurance provider then Open Enrollment begins for you on October 15th and runs until November 15th. If you have NYSHIP then open enrollment for you begins on November 1st and runs until December 31st.