Transit Worker-Death Gamble Bill Reintroduced in Albany

Our great friends and Legislators in Albany, NY State Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato (District 23) and NY State Senator Andrew Gounardes (District 26) reintroduced the NYC Transit Worker Death Gamble Bill in Albany yesterday. Local 106 working with the TWU International went to work right away after Governor Hochul vetoed the same Bill in December. The Death Gamble Bill has been the #1 Legislative priority for Local 106 for several years now and we will not let off one inch until this Bill is signed by the Governor.
No one should gamble with their pension if they die before they get a chance to retire and were eligible for their full service retirement benefit. Currently, if a Transit worker works past 25/55 and dies, their spouse gets what the member earned in the last 12 months X3, That’s it! That is a disgrace and an injustice to the families of all Transit workers that dedicate a large portion of their life working for the MTA.
TSO/TWU Local 106 will keep fighting to correct this injustice until it’s made right!
Philip Valenti, President