You CAN NOT Trust Governor Hochul!

How can any New Yorker possibly trust that Governor Hochul has any ability to make a good decision?!
As the MTA is being ran into the ground with wasteful, mismanagement spending and congestion pricing being shoved down our throat, you have Governor Hochul telling us how she made the subways safer, on the same day an illegal alien migrant burned a woman to death on the subway.
Link below from C-SPAN of Governor telling the world that on July 3, 2024 that President Biden was in it to win it, and the purpose for this meeting with Biden and the press conference, was to tell us that Biden was sharp as hell and the Governors stood behind him… Three weeks later, Biden withdrew from the Presidential election, due to enormous pressure and a total loss of support, due to his obvious inability to speak without getting lost in his own head and words.
When Governor Hochul vetoed the Transit Death Gamble Bill on December 6th because as she said it would “impose a substantial burden on New York State taxpayers”. You should know that, the Transit Death Gamble Bill cost 3.2 million dollars. Like I said, Governor Hochul can not be trusted. In short, she’s weak, a disaster and has no business running the State of New York.
Philip Valenti, President