SSII and TSC Contract Agreements!
After many months of negotiations we finally have an agreement on both SSII and TSC contracts. Contracts were sent to members and we will be meeting with the SSII Unit on Monday March 17th at 4pm to answer questions and vote and on Tuesday March 18th at 4pm we will meet with the TSC unit to answer any questions and vote.
Both contracts include the $3000 and $1000 bonuses and full 9.5% in wage increases plus other enhancements. We did need to extend the contracts a bit beyond the 36 months but as I had stated in the past, the Local 100 contract may have been 9.50% in wage increases plus $3000 and $1000 bonuses but .25 of the wage increase and the $1000 bonus was paid for by a trade off of the elimination of traditional Medicare as an option. This is something Local 106 will never do.