Contract Negotiations

As we set new dates to go back to the table to negotiate our contract proposals we are not suprised the process is moving very slowly with MTA Labor Relations running on a staff of one and a reliance of the Departmental managers availability which further hampers the abilty to Read more…

Weekly Vax Testing Suspended

Based on New York State guidance, beginning today, June 7, the MTA will no longer require COVID-19 diagnostic testing for current employees who are not vaccinated. MTA saliva testing and nasal swab testing locations will remain open through Sunday, June 26 for those who would like to continue to test. Read more…

Workers Comp Deficiency

WHAT IS IT AND HOW DO I FIX IT? While you were out of work recovering from your injuries, you received two (2) checks that equaled your normal take home pay.  One of those checks was a differential check paid by the Authority, from which your normal pension contribution was Read more…

Contract Negotiations

After several months of stalled negotiations due to the ATU contract arbitration we began talking again and laying out our proposals for the 2020-2024 round of contracts. So far we met on the MSII, OA, TA and MTA Bus contracts and plan to meet on the other contracts soon. These Read more…

CIGNA Dental Problems

The TSO has recently become aware that Dentists that were accepting the CIGNA DHMO plan are no longer doing so but they are accepting the CIGNA PPO plan. This is a problem and we need to know how wide spread this issue is so please contact your Division Chairman if Read more…