House approves bill to allow multiemployer pension plan benefit cuts

Trustees of financially distressed multiemployer pension plans would be allowed to cut participants’ benefits to prevent the plans from becoming insolvent under legislation narrowly approved by the House of Representatives Thursday night.

Benefits could be cut if a plan is projected to become insolvent during a current plan year or any of the next 14 years, or any of the next 19 years if the plan’s ratio of inactive participants to active participants exceeds 2-to-1 or if the plan is less than 80% funded.


RWA Payment Worksheet

We have created an excel work sheet for the members to calculate their retroactive payment.  This will help the members decide what percentage, if any they would like to defer. To calculate your payment, you need to input the hours you worked during each pay raise period, make sure you Read more…

Ebola Guidance

The New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), has released a three-page guidance document on Ebola Virus Disease and how workers can protect themselves. We recently met with management to discuss the MTA’s readiness plan.  MTA has released the following information and guidance.

MTA Bus Contract Update

Today the Contract was… APPROVED! By the MTA Board We will post further information regarding the implementation of the contract as the information becomes available. I would like to thanks everyone for their patience and support throughout these long and torturous negotiations.

MTA Bus Contract

*** UPDATE AUGUST 15, 2014 *** Yesterday, the MTA informed us that they are still in discussions with the City over our MTA Bus Contract.   In response to this, I have written a letter to the mediator requesting that she reconvene the parties to either execute a contract or declare Read more…